Sarah L. Foster

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Sarah L. Foster

Phone     317-513-7224


HELLO!!! (picture Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire covered in a fresh face of pie when you read that)

I’m Sarah Foster, she/her, life coach, mental health educator, & head-over-heels in love with humans.

It’s one thing that has always been true for me. I love talking to people & hearing about their life, witnessing their truth, sharing a laugh, & building relationships based on honesty, authenticity, & humor.

This love for humans led me to obtaining a Bachelors in Communication Studies after dabbling in Psychology, a Masters in Public Affairs in Nonprofit Management, & over 10 years of working in nonprofit youth work. This path also led me to my best friend & business partner, CoraLyn “CJ” Turentine, without whom Resilient Leadership would not exist.

I’ve lived with depression since I was a child, anxiety for over a decade, &, unbeknownst to me until recently, ADHD. These circumstances have greatly impacted all areas of my life: my mindset, emotions, behavior, & decisions, and my interpersonal relationships, most importantly my relationship with myself.

For almost three decades, I vigorously pursued what I was “supposed” to – more formal education, the “right” job title & subsequent pay, the marriage, the bustling social life, a thin body that “proved” I was “healthy”, etc.

From those pursuits I learned: what I was taught I “should” be/do/have isn’t always right for me & must be questioned, I have the power to radically change my thoughts, emotions, unconscious biases, & life, and that my empathy is a profound gift that coupled with my communication skills makes me a life coach who can help you radically change your life too.

While my life looks very different today than that original image, I am also happier, freer, & more powerful than I ever imagined – & you can be too.

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